Croft TV's June, 2017
Summer is finally here; don’t worry everyone the wait is over, but what a busy spring it was!
The last couple of months have seen Croft TV film crews working all over the UK and even across the Atlantic, but before I get to that I thought I should mention a lesser known, but very important side to our business – our duplication service.
May saw us creating 1000’s of completely customised USB duplications – including artwork and data preloading – for a major electronics brand. These USB sticks will then be distributed in stores all around the United Kingdom.
Another lesser known side to our daily operations here at Croft Television is our poster printing. This service includes checking, reworking (if necessary) and rechecking the information that makes up your poster and printing it in a number of different sizes, paper stocks and finishes. We have had a huge quantity of medical posters come through this month that has kept us on our toes.
Our video work has seen us off to Fleetwood Film Studios to shoot product demonstrations, central London to shoot VP’s for a large multinational company and Bracknell to film a science based competition aimed at increasing scientific interest and engagement among school kids.
It has also seen us sending crews to shoot medical facilities in both Glendale, California (right next to Hollywood) and Baltimore, Maryland. The footage shot at these facilities included life there, interviews of doctors/patients and drone footage. Our client has been very happy with the videos and has requested several more edits, not to mention putting more international shoots in the works.