Croft TV’S August, 2016


It’s been a big August here at Croft TV. First of all we would like to welcome our newest member of staff – Grant!

* If everyone could now stand for a round of applause please. *

Grant immediately got started on sprucing up our website which has been unveiled to the world in all of its beauty.

As for the rest of the team – after last month’s excursions to Europe it was time for them to get back to the office and get cracking on the edits.

We also started a whole load of new projects including a trip to Atherstone for a company’s Promotional Video, a two-day shoot in Slough, we recorded an Illustrated Sketch Video (also known as a Whiteboard Animation), filmed and edited a Christmas themed staff Training Video (who doesn’t love to listen to carols mid-year :)), edited together 4K, ultra-high definition footage for showreels, which we then compiled on a master USB, duplicated thousands of times and sent them off for in-store use and an interesting new project where employees of a company from all over the United Kingdom have been asked to film a Dragon’s Den style pitch of new ideas and potential new areas of growth – which we have been asked to assemble for them for internal use.

We also filmed and edited a new addition in our repertoire – the Illustrated Push Video. It is a more modern take on the Illustrated Sketch Video (Whiteboard Animation), where instead of being drawn, images are slid in and out to create a beautiful, informative and visually engaging video. The final version of this video can be seen below.

If that doesn’t sound busy enough, we had our usual posters to print, voice overs to record, storyboards and scripts to create and A LOT more editing.

It’s lucky that we love doing it!

– The Croft TV Team

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